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/ BBS in a Box 7 / BBS in a Box - Macintosh - Volume VII (BBS in a Box) (January 1993).iso / Files / Bus / F-G / File Management.cpt / File Management (.txt)
FileMaker Pro Database  |  1991-07-05  |  44KB  |  751 lines

  1. Particular@
  2. ThatA
  3. Used@
  4. Incoming@
  5. :HBAM2001MAY84
  6. 1/1/50
  7. Manager
  8. Smith
  9. Smith
  10. 6/1/88
  11. About
  12. Access
  13. Accomplished
  14. Additional
  15. And/or
  16. Application
  17. Associated
  18. Automatically
  19. Being
  20. Block
  21. Blocks
  22. Cabinet
  23. Subject
  24. "<<<<< Outgoing Location Data >>>>>
  25. Cabinet
  26. Drawer
  27. Folder
  28. Fields
  29. Page ##
  30. <<<<< Documents From >>>>>
  31. ,Sorted by Date/Subject/Cabinet/Drawer/Folder
  32. sponse Tracking >>>>>
  33. Response Due
  34. To Whom
  35. Subject
  36. Page ##
  37. o help you find and track incoming and outgoing 
  38. ll of the information about incoming correspondence and its associated outgoing correspondence.  There are four block of information contained in the layout - 1) Incoming Document Data; 2) Incoming Location DatE
  39. a; 3) Outgoing Document Data; and 4) Outgoing Location Data.
  40.      The Incoming Document Data block contains four descriptive fields.  The first field is labeled "To."  In this field type the last name of the in
  41. Data Entry
  42. 1..100
  43. Outgoing Sort
  44. 1..100
  45. About
  46. Access
  47. Accomplished
  48. Additional
  49. Appropriate
  50. Associated
  51. Block
  52. Command
  53. Contain
  54. Contained
  55. Contains
  56. Correspondence
  57. Custom
  58. Database
  59. Descriptive
  60. Documents
  61. Elements
  62. Enter
  63. Entitled
  64. Entry
  65. Examines
  66. >1/1/50
  67. Incoming Sort
  68. 1..100
  69.     CABINET.I
  70.     CABINET.O
  71. DATE.I
  72. DATE.O
  73. DRAWER.I
  74. DRAWER.O
  75. FOLDER.I
  76. FOLDER.O
  77. FROM.I
  78. FROM.O
  80. ORDER
  82.     SUBJECT.I
  83.     SUBJECT.O
  84. TITLE
  85. TOTAL.I
  86. TOTAL.O
  87. To.IB
  88. From.IB
  89. Date.IB
  90. A    Subject.IB
  91. A    Cabinet.IB
  92. Drawer.IB
  93. Folder.IB
  94. Total.OB
  95. Response DueB
  96. Help InformationB
  97. OrderB
  98. TitleB
  99. dividual in the office to whom the incoming correspondence was directed.  If there is more than one person in the office with the same last name, you may wish to add first name information to this field in the G
  100. following format:  Smith, Mary.
  101.      The second field is labeled "From."  Enter the last name and first name of the individual from whom the incoming correspondence was received in the following format:  Jones,
  102. g Document Data; and 4) Outgoing Location Data.
  103. ts from 1 to X and label each drawer of the cabinet with a letter designation.  For example, a row of five, four drawer filing cabinets would be numbered left to right cabinet 1 through cabinet 5.  The top drawF
  104. er of each cabinet would be labeled "A;" the second drawer "B;" the third drawer "C;" and the fourth drawer "D."  The folder field should contain the same decriber as is contained on the actual folder in file cG2abinet in which the incoming document is located.
  105. >1/1/50
  106. >1/1/50
  107.      The purpose of this database is to help you find and track incoming and outgoing "paper" correspondence.  Access to any of the layouts contained in this database may be accomplished by selecting the approp
  108.  Howard.  The third field is labeled "Date."  Enter the date the correspondence was received by your office in the following format:  mm/dd/yy.  If you were to enter the date 
  109. o help you examine and track the dC
  110. ocuments in your filing system.  The first layout in entitled "Data Entry."  The information fields in this layout contain all of the file's data elements.  It is this layout from which you will enter all of th
  111. try Layout
  112. A    From Sort
  113. Data Entry
  114. "<<<<< Incoming Document Data >>>>>
  115. Field
  116. Fields
  117. File's
  118. Filemaker
  119. Filing
  120. Finalized
  121. First
  122. Folder
  123. Following
  124. Format
  125. Formatting
  126. Fourth
  127. Friday
  128. Generated
  129. Handled
  130. mation
  131. Jones
  132. Label
  133. Labeled
  134. Layout
  135. Layouts
  136. Letter
  137. Lettering
  138. Located
  139. Location
  140. Mm/dd/yy
  141. Number
  142. Numbered
  143. Pages
  144. Paper
  145. Paragraph
  146. Particular
  147. Perform
  148. Performing
  149. Person
  150. Piece
  151. Portion
  152. Press
  153. Purpose
  154. Receipt
  155. Received
  156. Recommended
  157. Record
  158. Records
  159. Reflect
  160. Remaining
  161. Report
  162. Response
  163. Responses
  164. Resulting
  165. Right
  166. Scheme
  167. Script
  168. Scripts
  169. Second
  170. Select
  171. Selecting
  172. Selects
  173. Seven
  174. Should
  175. Shown
  176. Similar
  177. Entry
  178. Layout
  179. Example
  180. Exceptions
  181. Extracted
  182. Field
  183. Filing
  184. Finalized
  185. First
  186. Folder
  187. Following
  188. Format
  189. Fourth
  190. Howard
  191. Incoming
  192. Indivdual
  193. Individual
  194. Information
  195. Jones
  196. Label
  197. Labeled
  198. Layout
  199. Layouts
  200. Letter
  201. Lettering
  202. Located
  203. Location
  204. Mm/dd/yy
  205. Number
  206. Numbered
  207. Smith
  208. Sorts
  209. Space
  210. Subject
  211. Sufficient
  212. System
  213. Tasks
  214. Their
  215. There
  216. These
  217. Third
  218. Those
  219. Three
  220. Through
  221. Timely
  222. Within
  223. Would
  224. About
  225. Documents
  226. Entry
  227. Incoming
  228. Layout
  229. Outgoing
  230. Numbering
  231. Numeric
  232. Occur
  233. Office
  234. Operation
  235. Order
  236. Outgoing
  237. eport
  238. Response
  239. Responses
  240. Resulting
  241. Right
  242. Scheme
  243. Script
  244. Scripts
  245. Second
  246. Select
  247. Selected
  248. Selecting
  249. Selects
  250. Should
  251. Shown
  252. Similar
  253. Smith
  254. Sorts
  255. Space
  256. Subject
  257. Sufficient
  258. System
  259. Elements
  260. Enter
  261. Entered
  262. Entitled
  263. Entries
  264. Entry
  265. Examine
  266. Example
  267. Filing
  268. Finalized
  269. First
  270. Following
  271. Format
  272. Fourth
  273. Howard
  274. Incoming
  275. Indivdual
  276. Individual
  277. Information
  278. Jones
  279. Label
  280. Labeled
  281. Layout
  282. Layouts
  283. Letter
  284. Lettering
  285. Location
  286. Mm/dd/yy
  287. Number
  288.      The purpose of this database is to help you find and track incoming and outgoing correspondence.  Access to any of the layouts contained in this database may be accomplished by selecting the appropriate co
  289. ocuments that are contained in the database and displays that total at the end of the report.
  290.  and displays that total at the end of the report.
  291. Subject
  292. "<<<<< Outgoing Location Data >>>>>
  293. Cabinet
  294. Drawer
  295. Folder
  296. "<<<<< Incoming Location Data >>>>>
  297. Cabinet
  298. Cabinets
  299. Calculated
  300. Calculation
  301. Cannot
  302. Change
  303. Changed
  304. uration
  305. Contain
  306. Contained
  307. Contains
  308. Correspondence
  309. Counts
  310. Custom
  311. Database
  312. December
  313. Decriber
  314. Described
  315. Description
  316. Descriptive
  317. Designation
  318. Devise
  319. Difference
  320. Directed
  321. Display
  322. Displays
  323. Document
  324. Documents
  325. Drawer
  326. Drawers
  327. During
  328. Data Entry
  329. "<<<<< Incoming Document Data >>>>>
  330. Response Due
  331. Subject
  332. "<<<<< Incoming Location Data >>>>>
  333. Cabinet
  334. Drawer
  335. The Data Entry Layout
  336. "1/4/89," the application will display this as "Wednesday, January 4, 1989," once you finalized your entry for this particular piece of correspondence.
  337.      The fourth field is labeled "Response Due."  Enter a B
  338. due date in the same format as described above.  The resulting date will have the same configuration as that shown above, when you have finalized your data entry for this record.
  339.      The "Subject" field contai
  340. Folder
  341. "<<<<< Outgoing Document Data >>>>>
  342. Data Entry
  343. "<<<<< Incoming Document Data >>>>>
  344. Subject
  345. "<<<<< Outgoing Location Data >>>>>
  346. <<<<< Incoming Documents >>>>>
  347. ,Sorted by Cabinet/Drawer/Folder/From/Subject
  348. Cabinet
  349. Drawerwer
  350. <<<<< Incoming Documents >>>>>
  351. ,Sorted by Cabinet/Drawer/Folder/From/Subject
  352. Cabinet
  353. Drawer
  354. Drawer
  355. Folder
  356. "<<<<< Outgoing Document Data >>>>>
  357. Folder
  358. Subject
  359. Total Number of Documents
  360. <<<<< Documents From >>>>>
  361. ,Sorted by Date/Subject/Cabinet/Drawer/Folder
  362. Document Data
  363. Subject
  364. Cabinet
  365. Drawer
  366. Folder 
  367. Total Number of Documents
  368. Page ##
  369. Total Number of Documents
  370. Page ##
  371. Total Number of Documents
  372. Page ##
  373. ubject
  374. Cabinet
  375. Drawer
  376. Folder
  377. Subject
  378. Total Number of Documents
  379. Page ##
  380. Subject
  381. Cabinet
  382. Drawer
  383. Folder 
  384. Drawer
  385. Folder
  386. Subject
  387. Total Number of Documents
  388. Page ##
  389. <<<<< Outgoing Documents >>>>>
  390. ,Sorted by Cabinet/Drawer/Folder/From/Subject
  391. Cabinet
  392. Drawerwerwer
  393. <<<<< Documents From >>>>>
  394. ,Sorted by Date/Subject/Cabinet/Drawer/Folder
  395. Page ##
  396. Document Data
  397. Subject
  398. Cabinet
  399. Drawer
  400. Folder 
  401. <<<<< Outgoing Documents >>>>>
  402. ,Sorted by Cabinet/Drawer/Folder/From/Subject
  403. Cabinet
  404. Drawer
  405. Folder
  406. Subject
  407. Total Number of Documents
  408. Page ##
  409. ,<<<<< Correspondence Response Tracking >>>>>
  410. Response DueDue
  411. Total Number of Documents
  412. Page ##
  413. ,<<<<< Correspondence Response Tracking >>>>>
  414. Response Due
  415. To Whom
  416. Subject
  417. Page ##
  418. ,<<<<< Correspondence Response Tracking >>>>>
  419. Response Due
  420. Isentatives@
  421. Elements@
  422. Example
  423. Field
  424. Numbering@
  425. Pages@
  426. Smith@
  427. OutgoingL
  428. rected
  429. Fields
  430. Contains
  431. Filing
  432. [    Remaining
  433. Total.IB
  434. To.OB
  435. From.IF
  436. From.OB
  437. Date.OB
  438. A    Subject.OB
  439. A    Cabinet.OB
  440. Drawer.OB
  441. Folder.OB
  442. Total.OB
  443. Response DueB
  444. Date.I+7F
  445. Help InformationB
  446. OrderB
  447. TitleB
  448. ns sufficient space for the entry of a description of the incoming correspondence and may contain text and numeric information.
  449.      The Incoming Location Data block contains three fields of information:  1) CaD
  450. binet;
  451. 2) Drawer; and 3) Folder.  It is recommended that you devise a scheme for numbering and/or lettering the various file cabinets and their associated drawers.  A common scheme would be to number the cabine
  452. 3cabinet in which the incoming document is located.
  453. U More About the Data Entry Layout
  454.      The Outgoing Document Data block and the Outgoing Location Data block contain similar information contained in the paragraph on Incoming Location Data.  The only difference is that the "To" field should coB
  455. ntain the name of the individual to whom the outgoing correspondence is being directed and the "From" field the name of the individual who generated the response from within the office.  The formatting of infor
  456.     U&Still More About the Data Entry Layout
  457.      This script sorts the data in the database by Cabinet, Drawer, Folder, From and Subject.  The script also counts the number of incoming documents that are contained in the database and displays that total at the end of the report.r the Incoming Data blocks.
  458. U&Still More About the Data Entry Layout
  459. Incoming Documents Sort
  460.      This script sorts the data in the database by Date, Subject, Cabinet, Drawer, and Folder.  The script also counts the number of incoming documents that are contained in the database and displays that total at the end of the report.t total at 
  461. the end of the report.
  462. Incoming Documents Sort
  463. XPerforming this script automatically selects the third layout and sorts the data in the 
  464. Documents From Sort
  465.      This script selects only those records associated with outgoing correspondence, and sorts the data in the database by Cabinet, Drawer, Folder, From and Subject;.  The script also counts the number of incomBbing documents that are contained in the database and displays that total at the end of the report.
  466. ed with outgoing correspondence; and sorts the data in the database by Cabinet, Drawer, Folder, From and Subjec
  467. Outgoing Documents Sort
  468.      Performing this script selects only those records associated with a response due, and sorts the data in the database by Response Due, From, To Whom and Subject.
  469.      The purpose of this script report is toB
  470.  make sure that correspondence for which a response is due is handled in a timely manner.
  471.      For example, let's say it's Friday, December 23, 1988, and you want to know what responses to incoming corresponden
  472. Eher 26 - December 30, 1988, will be extracted from the file and listed in the sort order for this script.
  473. find all of the records in the file.  Chose Find from the Select Menu; click in the first field under theD
  474.  heading "Response Due;" and enter the following:  12/26/88..12/30/88.  Click in the Find box or press the enter key on the keyboard and any records which have a response due during the week December 26 - Decem
  475. Correspondence Tracking
  476. B    File TestC
  477. File ManagerD
  478. 12/27/88E
  479. Test of File ManagerF
  480. Test of DatabaseJ
  481. File ManagerR
  482. 01/03/89
  483. BethD
  484. 12/27/88
  485. 01/03/89
  486. BethD
  487. 12/27/88J
  488. BethR
  489. 01/03/89
  490. e during the week December 26 - December 30, 1988, will be extracted from the file and listed in the sort order for this script.
  491. Correspondence Tracking
  492. Sample RecordC
  493. Smith, MaryD
  494. 12/1/88E Test of File Management Database
  495. ce are due during the upcoming week, which would be December 26 - December 30, 1988.  Perform this script, which will find all of the records in the file.  Chose Find from the Select Menu; click in the first fiD
  496. eld under the heading "Response Due;" and enter the following:  12/26/88..12/30/88.  Click in the Find box or press the enter key on the keyboard and any records which have a response due during the week Decemb
  497. >1/1/50
  498. Manager
  499. Manager
  500. Database
  501. Inquiries
  502. Follow-up
  503. Inquiry
  504. About
  505. Liability
  506. Insurer
  507. Jones
  508. Jason
  509. Property
  510. Inquiries
  511. Wozniak
  512. Steve
  513. Heading
  514. Howard
  515. However
  516. Incoming
  517. Individual
  518. Information
  519. January
  520. Jones
  521. Keyboard
  522. Label
  523. Labeled
  524. Layout
  525. Layouts
  526. Let's
  527. Letter
  528. Lettering
  529. Listed
  530. Located
  531. Location
  532. Manner
  533. Manually
  534. Mm/dd/yy
  535. Nature
  536. Number
  537. Numbered
  538. Today's
  539. Total
  540. Track
  541. Tracking
  542. Under
  543. Upcoming
  544. Various
  545. Wednesday
  546. Which
  547. Within
  548. Would
  549. About
  550. Correspondence
  551. Documents
  552. Entry
  553. Incoming
  554. Layout
  555. Outgoing
  556. About
  557. Above
  558. Access
  559. Accomplished
  560. Additional
  561. Outgoing
  562. Still
  563. Tracking
  564. Legislation
  565. Liability
  566. Property
  567. Reform
  568. Association
  569. Inquiries
  570. Liability
  571. Property
  572. 12/26/88
  573. 12/30/88
  574. 6/1/88
  575. About
  576. Above
  577. Access
  578. Accomplished
  579. Additional
  580. Response Due
  581. Subject
  582. "<<<<< Incoming Location Data >>>>>
  583. Cabinet
  584. <<<<< Incoming Documents >>>>>
  585. ,Sorted by Cabinet/Drawer/Folder/From/Subject
  586. Cabinet
  587. Drawer
  588. Folder
  589. Subject
  590. <<<<< Outgoing Documents >>>>>
  591. ,Sorted by Cabinet/Drawer/Folder/From/Subject
  592. To Whom
  593. Subject
  594. Page ##
  595. ,<<<<< Correspondence Response Tracking >>>>>
  596. Response Due
  597. Manager
  598. 12/26/88
  599. 12/30/88
  600. 6/1/88
  601. About
  602. Access
  603. Accomplished
  604. Additional
  605. And/or
  606. Application
  607. Associated
  608. Automatically
  609. Being
  610. Block
  611. Blocks
  612. Cabinet
  613. Database
  614. Inquiries
  615. iries
  616. nquiries
  617. quiries
  618. About
  619. Access
  620. Accomplished
  621. Additional
  622. And/or
  623. Application
  624. Associated
  625. Automatically
  626. Being
  627. Block
  628. Blocks
  629. Cabinet
  630. 1/1/50
  631. Manager
  632. tabase
  633. Insurer
  634. Additional
  635. And/or
  636. Application
  637. Associated
  638. Automatically
  639. Being
  640. Block
  641. Blocks
  642. Cabinet
  643. Automatically@
  644. Cabinets@
  645. Chose@
  646. Elements@
  647. Example
  648. Field
  649. Have@
  650. Numbering@
  651. Pages@
  652. Smith@
  653. OutgoingL
  654. 4-2.1F#
  655. 4.01I
  656. 7/5/919e of the indivdual 
  657. Tfrom whom the incoming correspondence was received in the following format:  Jones, 
  658. 4-2.1F#
  659. 12/22/88
  660. pment
  661. Property
  662. roperty
  663. 6/1/88
  664. About
  665. Access
  666. Accomplished
  667. Additional
  668. And/or
  669. Application
  670. Associated
  671. Automatically
  672. Being
  673. Block
  674. Blocks
  675. Cabinet
  676. 1/4/89
  677. 12/26/88
  678. 12/30/88
  679. About
  680. Above
  681. Access
  682. Accomplished
  683. Actual
  684. Additional
  685. After
  686. And/or
  687. Application
  688. Appropriate
  689. Associated
  690. Assumed
  691. Auto-entered
  692. Automated
  693. Being
  694. Block
  695. Blocks
  696. Cabinet
  697. riate command from the Custom menu.  Additional information about each of the scripts is contained in the remaining pages of this help file.
  698.      There are five layouts that are used to help you examine and traC
  699. ck the documents in your filing system.  The first layout in entitled "Data Entry."  The information fields in this layout contain all of the file's data elements.  It is this layout from which you will enter a
  700. Selected
  701. Selecting
  702. Smith
  703. System
  704. There
  705. Track
  706. Which
  707. mation is the same as was described for the Incoming Data blocks.
  708.      There are three automated tasks that have been created in this database.  First, when you enter a "From" name in the Incoming portion of thD
  709. e Data Entry layout, the same name is automatically entered in the "To" name of the outgoing portion of the Data Entry layout, as it is assumed that your response , if any, would be directed to the person(s) of
  710. Automatically
  711. Because
  712. Being
  713. Block
  714. Blocks
  715. Cabinet
  716.  the same name.  Second, the date of receipt is automatically entered as today's date, as it is assumed that data entry for tracking correspondence will occur on the same date that each piece of correspondence F
  717. is received.  Third, the response due date is assumed to be seven days after the date of receipt and is calculated as such.  As is the case with all FileMaker field entries, auto-entered data can be manually ch
  718. anged to reflect exceptions.  However, because the first automated data entry task in this database is a calculation field, you will note that it cannot be changed.
  719.      You may also want to change these auto-eHLntered field definitions to reflect the particular nature of your operation.
  720. of the outgoing portion of the Data Entry layout, as it is assumed that your response , if any, would be directed to the person(s) of
  721. Chose
  722. Click
  723. Command
  724. Common
  725. Configuration
  726. Contain
  727. Contained
  728. Contains
  729. Correspondence
  730. Counts
  731. Created
  732. Custom
  733. Database
  734. December
  735. Decriber
  736. Definitions
  737. Described
  738. Description
  739. Descriptive
  740. Designation
  741. Devise
  742. Difference
  743. Directed
  744. Display
  745. Displays
  746. Document
  747. Documents
  748. Drawer
  749. Drawers
  750. During